COVID-19 Strategies for Nourishing Relationships Presented

Webinar Presenter: Dr. Kathleen Bokrossy RDH
Date: Wednesday June 3, 2020 at 8:00pm

Course outline:
With dental practices slowly opening to essential needs of patients, what is happening with all of your other patients who haven’t received hygiene care and may not for some time? Will they be there for you when your doors fully open? Will they want to schedule an appointment with so much uncertainty all over the news and social media about aerosols? Have you worked on ensuring that your patients continue to trust you and leave them feeling confident that you will continue to provide a safe environment for them?

We should be very concerned for our patients who really need to have hygiene therapy every 3 -4 months. What will this burden look like on our health care system? How about your own self, have you worked on ‘you’ during these times? Your team? Are they disconnected and worried for their future? I would like to invite you to a webinar where I will share strategies on how you can be more engaged with yourself, your profession, your team and your patients.

The webinar will cover:

  1. The importance of working on yourself so that you maintain a positive mindset and come out as a leader.
  2. Strategies on how to engage with your team
  3. How to present a PowerPoint presentation to your patients so that you are ensuring them that you care, that you are there for them and how important it is for them that they take care of their oral health for their overall health.

**Included in this webinar is the PowerPoint that Kathleen created for your practice to use.**

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Kathleen Bokrossy, RDH entrepreneur, author and Quality Assurance Coach, has been bringing engaging energy to the dental profession for over 30 years. Kathleen is the president of RDHU Inc., a Professional Development company which provides team events, hands-on education and online learning. She is the publisher for Dental Hygiene Quarterly and is on the Speakers Bureau for P & G, Crest & Oral B and a K.O.L for Bisco Canada and Ivoclar Vivadent. She has written many articles for Dental Publications and has participated in writing a chapter on ‘Instrumentation’ for a U.S. textbook. Her vision is to help ‘Transform the Dental Hygiene Experience’ for the clinician, the practice and their patients. Kathleen works closely with dental practices to help them thrive in today’s marketplace