The OraVital System Results Guarantee


Yes! We are confident about treating gum disease.

The OraVital System is a patent-pending comprehensive oral health protocol administered exclusively by the specially-trained clinical staff in OraVital Certified Clinics.

The OraVital System currently provides the most accurate diagnosis and most effective treatment of the oral infections that cause periodontal disease, halitosis and peri-implantitis.

We’re so confident of the predictable and positive results that occur with the authorized and proper application of the OraVital System, that we now offer the industry-leading OraVital Results Guarantee.

How does the OraVital Results Guarantee work?

Quite simply, the OraVital Results Guarantee states: “When the OraVital System is used as directed by a trained clinician in a participating OraVital Certified Clinic1 on an eligible patient candidate2 who is fully compliant in following their clinician’s treatment recommendations and home care instructions, the patient will experience a measurable improvement3 in their oral health and their degree of oral infection.”

How do you define a measurable improvement?

We define measurable improvement as a minimum of 80% reduction of bleeding on probing and 80% reduction in gum pockets that were 6 mm or less at the beginning of therapy.

What if we do not see these results?

In the rare event that these results are not achieved, the patient can be re-tested and re-treated one additional time free of charge, while under the careful guidance of an OraVital® Clinical Coach who will be assigned to that practice and patient.

Find out more about the OraVital System Results Guarantee!

If you are a patient, visit our Find a Clinic section to see if there is a participating OraVital Certified Clinic near you.

Dentist and patient inquiries can be sent to

1 Clinic participation in the OraVital Results Guarantee is optional. Ask your local OraVital Certified Clinic if they currently participate in the OraVital Results Guarantee Program.

2 & 3 Please see your participating OraVital Certified Clinic for detailed terms and conditions. Find your nearest participating OraVital Certified Clinic by clicking here.