Halitosis Info for Professionals

Bad Breath Can Mean Poor Oral Health

Although periodontal diseases have been traditionally associated with halitosis (persistent bad breath), individuals with healthy looking oral tissues can suffer from severe halitosis. The odour of the breath is like that of someone with severe periodontal disease.

Even the most meticulous brushing and flossing will not get rid of bad breath and periodontal disease. In fact, many bad breath sufferers have healthy looking mouths and impeccable oral care habits.

Research shows that 75% of the population suffers from some form of periodontal disease, and about 50% from halitosis or a bad taste problem. Both are evidence of an oral infection. So, it’s no surprise that millions of dollars are spent annually over-the-counter rinses and breath products that only briefly mask odours without eliminating the underlying infection – oral bacteria that are persistent, resistant and resilient.

The Cause of Bad Breath: When Bacteria Metabolize Proteins and Produce Volatile, Malodorous Chemical Compounds

The same type of gm negative anaerobic bacteria cause both breath odour and gum disease. An increase in harmful oral bacteria, even in otherwise healthy mouths, is by far the most common cause of this persistent and chronic condition.

Bad breath-causing bacteria are found sub-gingivally, supra-gingivally, on the tongue, on the back of the throat and on tonsils where they are difficult to control. Over the counter rinses do not penetrate these bacterial biofilms, so they can not predictably control odours unless the halitosis is treated effectively.

These bacteria digest and break down proteins, which produce foul smelling chemicals called volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs). These VSC chemicals dissolve in saliva and coat nasal passages, affecting the sense of taste and smell, even impacting their overall health.

Specific VSC compounds (hydrogen sulfide, di-methyl sulfide and mercapthans) can be extremely toxic, irritate mucous membranes and open the space between mucosal cells so bacteria can penetrate deeper into gum tissues. It is not just a cosmetic concern. The following conditions also contribute to bad breath symptoms:

  • Periodontal disease
  • Stress
  • Poor nutrition
  • Dental cavities
  • Sulfurous foods
  • Hunger odor (ketosis)
  • Hormonal changes
  • Digestive disorders like acid reflux
  • Dehydration
  • Some prescription drugs

More than 90% of halitosis is usually produced from oral sources and most dentists and hygienists were not trained to diagnose, locate nor treat breath odours. Before you recommend invasive and expensive medical tests for your patient, contact the OraVital breath experts for advice. The patent-pending OraVital System is exceptionally successful for treating patients with halitosis.

The OraVital® System is a unique, non-surgical oral treatment that successfully removes the problem-causing bacteria. It is a service that patients want, yet is only available through a specially-trained OraVital Certified Clinic. Patients can find their nearest OraVital Certified Clinic on our web site. Shouldn’t the patients in your area find yours? Click here to receive information on how to get certified!