Halitosis Patient Info

The Cause of Bad Breath: When Bacteria Causes a Stink

The same type of bacteria cause both halitosis and gum disease.  An increase in harmful oral bacteria, even in otherwise healthy mouths, is by far the most common cause of this persistent and chronic condition.

Bad breath bacteria are found below and around the gums, on the tongue, the back of the throat and on tonsils where they are difficult to control. For example, over the counter mouth rinses do not penetrate these bacterial biofilms so they do not predictably control odours.

Where do these odours come from? These bacteria digest and break down proteins, which produce bad smelling chemicals called volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs). These VSCs dissolve in saliva and coat nasal passages, affecting their sense of taste and smell, even impacting their overall health.

Certain VSCs (hydrogen sulfide, di-methyl sulfide and mercapthans) are extremely toxic, irritate mucous membranes and open the space between mucosal cells so bacteria can penetrate deeper into tissues. It is not just a cosmetic concern.

The following conditions may also contribute to bad breath symptoms:

  • Periodontal disease
  • Stress
  • Poor nutrition
  • Dental cavities
  • Sulfurous foods
  • Hunger odor (ketosis)
  • Hormonal changes
  • Digestive disorders like acid reflux
  • Dehydration
  • Some prescription drugs

Bad breath may not your fault if you have a healthy mouth. Sometimes oral bacteria do not cause gum disease, yet produces foul odours. There may also be other causes:

The following conditions may also contribute to bad breath symptoms:

  • Stress
  • Poor nutrition
  • Dental cavities
  • Sulfurous foods
  • Hunger odor (ketosis)
  • Hormonal changes
  • Digestive disorders like acid reflux
  • Dehydration
  • Some prescription drugs

More than 90% of halitosis is usually produced from oral bacteria and most dentists and hygienists were not trained to diagnose, locate nor treat breath odours. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Have you seen a dental professional for halitosis treatment and been told to floss more, use mouth washes and have more frequent dental visits to no avail?
  • Do you use mints/gums/mouthwashes multiple times daily but still have bad breath?

Before you have invasive and expensive medical tests to resolve your halitosis, visit an OraVital Certified Clinic for an inexpensive, comprehensive evaluation. Click here to find the OraVital Certified Clinic nearest you.

Do you wish your current dentist offered the OraVital System? Send them this link which will help them get details on how they too can become certified to provide the OraVital System.